Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Something To Look Forward To

In a few weeks, I'm going to be having a big book giveaway. My office is overflowing. I was so lucky last year to receive so many free books, that I want to give back, in my own little way. So be on the lookout. :)

The kids have their first (rather unexpected) snow day of the year, certainly something most kids who live in snowy areas look forward to every year. It started with a one hour delay, then a two hour, then canceled. This process wreaks havoc with a morning. Do I wake them up or not? My daughter was in the shower when the final cancellation came--so she's now up for the day, but she has plans.

Though I'm going to have to cancel my hair appointment (sob), I'm excited for the snow day. Always something special about it, though at 16 degrees and below zero wind chills, I won't be going outside!

Anything you're looking forward to?



  1. ooh, I love book giveaways.

    I'm looking forward to Spring. Green grass. Full trees. Lightweight jackets. Short sleeves.

    Have a good Tuesday.

  2. Strangely enough, I was looking forward to reading an interesting blog, and found one.

    I clicked the "next blog" button at the top of the blogger screen, and it led me here. I think it's the first time I've ever done that where I wasn't directed to a Chinese or Portuguese blog that didn't really do much for me.

    Maybe the function is getting some smart capability, which would be simultaneously nice and frightening. I say "smart" because I also work in publishing, and perhaps it picked up some of the content on my blog, where I'd just finished posting, and matched mine to yours.

    Anyway, I'd be delighted if you were to take a look at my blog as well. Looks like you're doing rather nicely in the writing world. I have my hand in it, too -- just from another angle.

    Maybe I'll see you over at my place.


  3. Hi Bob -- thanks for popping in. Loved your post about the crazy guy who fired you. I did some professional editing (briefly!) and it's oftentimes a thankless job. I'll be sure to check back from time to time.
