Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Road Trip!

I'm taking a little road trip this weekend with my critique partners. The four of us are going to hole up at a quaint inn in Amish country and spend the weekend writing. And by the looks of the snack list, also eating. A lot.

This retreat couldn't have come at a better time for me. Absolutely, Positively is due March 1st, and though I have enough pages, they don't quite make sense as a whole yet. It'll be a great time to really focus on the plots and the series arcs.

And of course, it'll be nice to spend the weekend with three of the best women around.

Now let's just hope it doesn't snow--until after we get home. But if we do get snowed in, I have a feeling we'll have enough to eat.



  1. Enjoy your weekend retreat and good luck with Absolutely, Positively.

  2. Have a wonderful time!

  3. Sounds like fun. Don't forget the smores!

  4. be safe, have fun, and don't eat anything I wouldn't eat :)

  5. Sounds like a fun time. It helps to get away sometimes and write in a different place. Pack extra snacks just in case there's snow. Be safe.

  6. Your first responsibility is to your children.

  7. Have a great writing weekend. Oh, and eating too. Enjoy!

  8. Thanks, everyone. It should be a lot of fun. And s'mores are a great idea. Wonder if there's a fireplace there...

  9. I will try this again Thank you so much Heather for the Signed Bookmark..It is housed in my copy of "truly,madly...In Vt ever,lets have coffe...Bestmbest to you..Vtc Susan...

  10. It worked Heather! Its because of my livejournal..Boston,,I am hoping to make it there..Thanks for your Visit on barnesandnoble..Becky was so happy..I was Happier : ) Want to pre order Deeply,Desperately,will check the earliest I can..'Christmas Presents..What a Beautiful Cover..Lots of Kudos,Best Again,Susan VTC,If my first post didn't take,I posted to Thank you so much for The Signed truly,madly Bookmark.I just picked it up today from my PO...
