Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, Monday

My kids have today and tomorrow off from school, so you'd think I'd be sleeping in this morning, but noooo. I'm up and at 'em, bright (well, it's really dark) and early. We have a contractor coming in just a bit to do some work on the driveway. The neighbors are going to love it when the jackhammer starts at eight AM.

We didn't have nearly as many ghosties and goblins last night as we thought we'd get. Still have two bags of candy left (what a shame!). My favorite costumes were the little ladybug and the monkey. So adorable. And I was amazed at the politeness. There have been years where kids just stuck their bags out and stared. This year there were lots of "trick or treats" and "thank yous." So glad to hear it. Oh, and our happy pumpkin looked great all lit up!

When I went out this morning to move the car from the garage to the street (won't be able to use the driveway for a while), I had to take a second and just admire the sky. Crystal clear, stars bright and glittering, the moon a perfect crescent. Absolutely gorgeous. And for me to stand out there for a good minute or so with no coat in 32* temps, you know it had to be breathtaking.

To those of you starting NaNoWriMo, good luck!!!

Oh, and if you have a sec, hop over to the Cozy Chicks--we have a new look and a new blogger!


  1. Jackhammers at 8 AM? Oh yeah, the neighbors are going to love you.

    Nice description of the early morning. Welcome to November. Don't eat too much of that left over candy.

  2. We didn't have many trick or treaters either! BUT I ended up having seven little boys spend the night b/c my kids don't have school either. My treaters were also very sweet. I loved hearing them say thank you and the parent's shouting from the street -"did you say thank you"
    I hope my kiddos were that polite. I dumped the rest of my candy in the last treaters bag. she was so excited! I can't have that around.

  3. We had a lot of little goblins but I still have a huge bowl of candy. Gee, I'm real sad. :-)

    One of my neighbors dressed up as "Nacho Libre" complete with red tights, green underwear, mask and cape. Watch out Jack Black! I'm sure his kids appreciated their Dad's Halloween creativity.

    Love the new look of the Cozy Chicks.

    Happy Monday!

  4. I love your early morning description. It really is peaceful.

  5. We didn't have as many trick or treaters this year either. We have way too much candy left over, and I forgot to tell my husband to bring it to work with him today. Guess I'll have to eat more of it tonight. No self control.

  6. Good news, the jackhammering didn't start till 9:30, so the neighbors might still be talking to us. The new portion of the driveway looks great, but I'm already dreading getting into the car tomorrow. Brrr!!! I tend to take the garage for granted.

    I've been noshing on Milky Ways all day. So bad yet so good.
