Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Lazy Days

I'm loving these lazy days of summer. I'm in total sloth mode these days, enjoying my family, reading, and catching up on my reality TV.

Okay, I'm not a *total* sloth. I'm gearing up for the release of A WITCH BEFORE DYING, which will be out in THREE WEEKS (squee!). Getting postcards and printing addresses and selling a kidney to buy stamps (are you on my mailing list?). I'm so excited to see this book in bookstores and to hear what all of you think of it.

Summer is my slowest writing time (talk about sloths)--something seems to switch off in my brain this time of year and I just want At least I know this about myself and schedule deadlines accordingly. I'm still working (slothily) on the first Love Potion mystery (you can read the blurb here) and starting to plot future books. I'm loving this book and can't wait to see where it goes (sometimes even I don't know these things!).

Lots of events coming up in the next few months, so be sure to check the EVENTS tab to see if there's anything near you. :)

Anyone else being slothy? Or has your summer been jam-packed?


  1. With DD#2 away for two weeks and DD #1 working every day and the temps and humidity so high, I've been a real sloth for the past few weeks. I get DD#1 up at 4:30 and she's out the door by 5. Then I just putz around facebook and my favorite author's blogs until I absolutely HAVE to do something. I do hate this horrible heat!

  2. Why is it that during the summer, I want to stay indoors and read? So yes, I guess I have sloth tendencies during the summer.

  3. Sue, the heat has been really tough to deal with this summer. It's like trying to function in a bowl of soup! Hopefully the worst is over, but now we can definitely use some rain.

    Dru Ann, I'm not sure, but I'm with you!
