Monday, October 31, 2011

The Oops

Picture this. Me, big chair, robe, blanket, crazy hair, typing away on Trouble under the Tree (Nina just saw a car rockin’ in a parking lot and went a’ knockin’ – which she immediately regretted), when WHAM! It hit me. It’s Monday. And I hadn’t blogged yet.


Sometimes Mondays have a way of sneaking up on me. Which happens more frequently than I care to admit. Weekends have a way of flying by.

I had a great weekend—got to see some pics of Son #1 at boot camp (a treat), son # 2 was home for a quick visit, Baby Girl is always fun (esp. when she's teaching me about silverfish --you don't want to know, trust me), and I made it out of Target under $100 (you know that’s a miracle!).  It was a nice, quiet, weekend, which have been few and far between the last couple of months—we’ve been traveling quite a bit.

I’m crazy busy writing. Working on the newest Nina and the third book in the Darcy series (working title: The Good, the Bad, the Witchy – what do you think?), writing a new proposal, and plotting the next Lucy Valentine novel. Hard work, all of it, but also fun. I love revisiting characters, which is one of the reason I love writing (and reading) series.

So, I hope your Monday didn’t sneak up on you like mine did, and I hope you have a Happy Halloween! I’m going to try and not eat all the candy before the trick or treaters get here. Must. Have. Willpower. For now, I’ve got to get back to Nina—she has a snowy stake-out to plan (I think one little fun-sized Snickers might help keep my creative juices flowing...). 


  1. Happy Halloween! I am too, trying to not eat all the candy, but I'm still eating some of it. Reeses, Almond Joys, Kit Kats. I can hear them calling me from the kitchen. Anyway, I like the working title. And yesterday, I made it out of Target spending under $100.00 too....not by much, but under it nonetheless. :)

  2. Happy Halloween. We live in the country, so no little munchkins stopping by our house. But this year we'll be in town at a HS football game. I may take candy to give the kids at the game.

  3. Yay! New Lucy Valentine :) That's my treat for the day.

    Happy Halloween!

  4. Thanks, Linda--I like the title, too. And my receipt was barely under, too, but it counts!!! Sounds like you have the same candy mix as we do. T minus 2 hours until I can get it out of the house.

    Hi Jamie Lee! Taking the candy with you is a great idea. By the same token, I hope you get treats at the game tonight, too. :)

    Thanks, Dru Ann! To you, too.

    Thank you, Margie! Lucy is a treat for me, too. Well, Sean, too. ;)

  5. Happy Halloween! I love the new title and can't wait to read the next Nina book! It seems like their are a lot of good books coming out over the next few months! Perfect for gift giving & receiving! I hope we get some cute trick or treaters tonight.

  6. Thanks, Breaunna! I agree--so many good books coming out soon. I just need to find the time to read them all. :)

  7. lol, i just read this post and it made me laugh...those are the exact candies i like to "munch" on around halloween time. my brother explained it perfectly: we buy the stuff we like just in case we have leftovers, that way we can eat the rest, LOL!

    and now i am super excited to know you have MANY projects going on, MORE FOR US! it's a win-win for everyone!
