Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Dibs

If you remember, a few weeks ago I posted about being envious and called dibs on my daughter's next work--a painting of otters.

Happy to say it's now hanging in my office. Love, love, love it.


  1. WOW!!! Your daughter is an amazing artist! I'm sure you'll cherish her artwork for many, many years to come!

  2. Oh AWWWW!! I love it! She sure is talented!!! Wonderful!!

  3. I love the otters! They're so cute!

  4. Appropriate that you got the otter pic, since you're so fond of otters. It is an amazing pic - and I love the ducks too!! She's a very talented young lady.

  5. That is so awesome. She is very talented (clearly that runs in the family!). My family and I were at the Seattle Aquarium over the weekend and I thought of you. The river otters were snuggled up sleeping by the time we got to their exhibit, but, I kid you not, at the sea otter exhibit the mama was floating on her back with her new baby snuggled up to her nursing. It was so sweet. I almost got you a postcard, but questioned whether or not you had a PO Box listed on your contacts page. Needless to say, I thought of you!

  6. Thanks, everyone! She knows how much I love otters (she does, too), so that's why she chose this particular subject.

    Kristin, I would have LOVED to have seen that! Sigh! I do have a PO Box, but it's not listed on my contacts page... I should probably put it on there. :)
